December 3, 2008

Berto's New Abode

I have a pet Black Widow spider named Berto and she has been living in a glass Kerr jar ever since I found her a few weeks ago. I know that Berto really isn't a girls name but whatever, that's what it is... So, I stayed home from work today because I'm getting sick right, and I thought it the perfect time to upgrade Bert0's living situation. I buzzed over to Petco and hooked up a "Critter Carrier." Lame? Yes. But it was only $5. I found the rest of the supplies around the house: black and white photo, tape and a drill bit. No frills on this build. I wanted to keep things simple and tight. Berto is into it, I can tell.


Morgielouwho said...

Dont let he have babies because they can totally get out of that cage... I worry.

Morgielouwho said...

I mean her...

mdpart2 said...

Yeah, that would be exciting. I'll keep my eyes peeled...

mdpart2 said...

You can see dinner trying to hide behind the drill bit. It wasn't a good spot, Berto is a seeker.

baughtronic said...

Gross, Mike. I can't stop itching.

... said...

i heart berto...
i also heart how much you care for her...

you two make a great team.

adam and melissa said...

I had a nightmare about this. Really, I did. Thanks.