March 8, 2009

More Rain...

It looks like we might be resting for a couple more days as the forecast is calling for more rain.  Hopefully by Tuesday or Wednesday we'll be back outside climbing.  Although, today was actually quite nice:  Kami made crepes with bananas and Nutella for breakfast.  We played some cards.  I read a few chapters in Invisible Monsters and took a 3 hour nap.  Then I capped it all off by having dinner with Kami in Fontainebleau.  Not a bad day at all.  Maybe we'll play some Scrabble tomorrow.  Maybe not.  Anyway, off to bed...


Mike's mom said...

Thanks for the pictures of your trip!! It is so beautiful. I can hardly wait to see all of your pictures. We got home on Saturday and of course today it is snowing. Uncle Lynn had 23" of snow in one day at his house. Everyone here misses you!! Just to let you know that I didn't get the job in the advisement office. There is one more full time job available and of course I will try for that one too. Thanks for keeping us all posted we are all jealous aren't we?? Take care and be safe.
Mom, Dad, Martina & Matt

martina Duncan said...

Ross and i were looking at your pics and videos, i really like the first video! are they speaking in french? Thats really awesome!! Things are well with me, i am staying with jamie in SlC for spring break, i really don't want to go back to school because i have so much to do!! I can't wait until my time comes when i am able to exsperience the memories you have right now!! miss you so much!!


adam and melissa said...

yummmmmy, i love food posts...crepes with bananas and nutella??? I gotta get Kami over to make some when she gets home!