September 2, 2009


Damn! August is already gone. It's been a crazy month, to say the least. I had a birthday (I'm now 30 - 2), got a new position at work, AND, just bought a new car, among other things... Everything seems to be lining up well and I'm psyched about the direction things are going. I'm off to SoCal for about 10 days for a quick work trip towards the middle of the month. Since I'll be out of my daily routine, I should have some more interesting things to talk about. Let's hope anyway, right Lipani? *I'll really try to post more often. But then again, I sorta enjoy Mel's verbal abuse... So, maybe not.


adam and melissa said...

Hey, wait a sec...I only new about the new (yuppy) car....did you get the rep job??????? And hold on, you had a birthday too???? You are holdin' out on me man!!!! I'm gonna have to step up my abuse!!! Or maybe I could just be nice and celebrate all your good news instead... Congrats!

KatieGirlBlue said...

So your reward for the big promotion is spending time in SoCal with my husband? Please. Mike, that's not a "promotion," no matter what your new title is....just wait. You'll see what I mean.

And THANK YOU for the link to that video. I've watched it 10 times already. I might have a problem.

baughtronic said...

So... what is this car?? And Happy Birthday! Pinch Erica's bum for me.