October 27, 2009

Takashi Sends

Many thanks to Kelly Cordes for writing this up. Being there to see Taka send was definitely the highlight of my WHOLE trip. I think I yelled as loud as he did when he got to the top...


adam and melissa said...

that is so rad, i like how kelly pays homage to your spectacular coaching. Takashi sounds like he's got some seriously infections mojo, I need to get me somma that! and, you are oh so positive, a great climbing partner! superb post, it gets me psyched to climb again- i love that beginner's mind when you believe anything is possible!

adam and melissa said...

that was supposed to say "INFECTIOUS mogo" didn't mean to make the man sound like he had a problem or anything :)

adam and melissa said...

good god it's late, and i really cannot spell...sorry. xoxo love,mel.

KatieGirlBlue said...

Look at you, garnering praise all across the interwebs. Props to you, rep-guy. Awesome. Hope you're having a good drive home.

mdpart2 said...

Thanks for the nice comments you two! I really appreciate it. I can't wait to get home and see you both.