August 2, 2010

Tragedy Strikes

My buddy Lee McGuffey broke his neck today while riding his downhill bike near Brian Head, UT. We don't know much about his condition at this point, but he goes in for surgery tomorrow. Please say a prayer, cross your fingers, or do whatever you think will help him pull through.


mdpart2 said...

Here's a brief description of what happened from Lee's wife, Rachel: For those who don't know, Lee was on his big orange downhill bike gapping some ridiculous double and (i saw video) it looked like poor wonderful Christopher Reeves on a horse + huge gap + a few somersaults + rocks + a big angry bike in the mix = disaster with small miracles in the grand scheme of things.

mdpart2 said...

The latest from Rachel:

i stayed up last night with him - i would wake up and he would have taken off his arm splint and be trying to get up out of bed! the old lee is back! i'm catching up on sleep outside of the hospital, but PLEASE go see him. the morale boost is intangible yet miraculous!

Lee had surgery this morning on his wrist and all went swimmingly. He is pretty zonked out right now, and that's exactly how he should be! It's quiet...

Mheiman said...

Tell him I said heal up if you see him soon. We will catch him on the next Moab trip when he is good as new.

mdpart2 said...

Will do. I'm not sure I know who you are though... I don't recognize your username anyway. Cool blog by the way.

mdpart2 said...

I'm told that Lee walked a lap around the entire floor at the patient tower yesterday. AND, he already has decent dexterity with the hand that wasn't mobile at all just last week. Crazy. I'm SO glad that he's already making a comeback. I guess you can't keep a good man down. :)